Sunday, June 21, 2009

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Sunday, June 14, 2009



Creative Judaism

The Best of Rabbi A. Moss

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Moshiach Life Values

Isaac Newton- uses Torah to Calculate the Apocalyp...
Aristotle’s Letter, to Alexander the Great
Mark Twain: Concerning the Jews, 1898
Einstein ‘explains’ his theory of relativity

Physicists Search, for the G-d Particle

Are 4 Billion People Going to die?
How the World Has Changed
"In G-d We Trust"
The G-d you don't Believe in

The Husk Has to Fall
Gravity: Morals & Ethics

Story: The Greatness of a Tzaddik
What is a Rebbe- A Story
The Rashbi's Greatness (he wrote the Zohar)
The Greatness of Lag Ba'Omer

The Greatness of the AriZal (The "Father" of Kabba...
The Arizal: Why suffering in this World
The AriZal: The Advantage of this World
Story of the AriZal- of Reincarnation

The AriZal- Story of Reincarnation
The Lubavitcher Rebbe: Reincarnation
The Vilna Goan: Reincarnation

How the World Has Changed
Excerpts of talks by the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Jewish Law on Moshiach
A History of Ideas, based on Moshiach

Why this Generation Can Bring Moshiach
The Uniqueness of our Generation
Moshiach's Coming is Inevitable

The Rebbe: This Generation Brings the Geula...
The Rebbe: This is the Generation of Mos...

Moshiach is Revealed, then Hidden
Moshiach Will be Revealed in America.
No War of Gog and Magog
Why the World is Changing

What is an Angel?
Chassidus and Kabbalah

The Rebbe: Moshiach will Teach Through Vision
The Rebbe: Moshiach is Ready to be Revealed
The Greatest Test of Faith in History.
The Rebbe: 1992 The Fulfillment of Isaiah

Laws of Who is Moshiach - Rambam
Keep Smiling!
The Test of Great Temptations
Prophecy about Israel
Prophecy in our Time

The Chosen Jewish People?
The Ramchal: What Will Happen During the Geula

The Greatest Public Servant- King Moshiach
The Humility of a Jewish King
How Jews Crown a King

The Refining of the Creation
An Infinite Light, in a Finite World

The World is One- And it is you
World Unity
Help Your Fellow Man
Ahavas Yisroel, Will Help Bring the Geula

The Unity of Division
The Unity, of Perfection and Imperfection
The Geula: Twin Fetuses
Change- Think Big!


Advantage of Having a Rebbe
The First Talk of the Rebbe in 1951
An Aspect of Etzem - G-d's Essence
The True Greatness of Moshiach
Why the Rebbe

Why the New Generation- is Attached to the Rebbe
So who is the Rebbe?
"Heels of Moshiach"
"Humble Ones'

Miraculous Nature-Rabbis Dessler & Carmell
The Baal Shem Tov's letter: the importance of Chassidus
Things to do, to Hasten Moshiach's Arrival
Heresy and Leprosy

Rabbi Marlow's A"H (Former Rav of CH)

The World at Present
A New World
The Reason for Moshiach's Delay

The Quantum Jump of the Torah of Moshiach
Being Directly Attached to Hashem
The Kabbalah of Refining the Creation
The Light of Darkness

This World is Higher, than the Upper Spiritual Wor...
True Free-Choice
The Test of Faith in Our Times
The Geula is Hastened, Study of Chassidus

The Truth About Nature

1901- The 100 year Prophesy- The Rebbe Rashab
History According to Torah
The Dream of the Chafetz Chaim
The Dream of Rabbi Yossie Feldman

The Zohar and Israel

Rabbi Elya Svei, Predicts Moshiach’s Coming
Kabbalist: Moshiach Very Little Left
The Moshiach-Watch of the Baba Sali- Has One Minut...
Upheavals in Judaism- in the Times of Moshiach

Why Birth Pangs, Precede the Geula
Open Your Eyes,
Current Events

The Rebbe: No Mass Punishment.

Statements from Galia, an autistic Israeli girl
From an Autistic Girl
The Future - Autistic Child
A Message an autistic boy

The Zohar- Teshuvah in our Generation
How the World Changes, After Moshiach Comes

Torah Sources- for Extreme Weather Changes
Massive Weather Changes- Signs of a New Era
Earthquakes a Sign From Hashem- The Cofetz Chaim
Moshiach Statistics

Torah Codes- The Future?
1944: Prophesy of the Previous Rebbe
Kabbalist: A Drastic Change in the World
Signs of Moshiach in the World.

Drastic Changes in the Earth
Erratic Weather Changes
Extreme Weather Changes
Stop the Storms
Don't be Afraid
Thank G-d!

Publicize the Miracles- that are Happening Now
Don't Worry, be Happy!

Money: "Only the Government, and a Few Individuals ...
Global Financial Markets
Rambam- Blind Men and Torah
The Purpose of Tests Now

In the Times of Moshiach

The Rebbe's Knowledge of Science
The Rebbe: Science and Torah
The Rebbe: True Science
Secular Knowledge, Comes from the Torah

Science and Religion
Science and G-d
The True Age of the World
Moshiach Economics

Ariel Sharon, Meets the Rebbe 1968
"Goral HaGra"- Precedes Igress Kodesh
Igress Kodesh Miracle- (letters of the Lubavitcher...

In 1985 The Rebbe Predicts the Fall of Russia
The Rebbe: Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu.
The Bobover Rebbe, asks for the Rebbe’s help.
The Rebbe, and Disabled Israeli War Veterans

How the Rebbe Saved Slovenia
The Rebbe: WIC and Food Stamps Programs
Story of the Rebbe- An Irish Kid with a Jewish Nam...
Story: A Cossack's Horse- A True Chassid

Shimon Waronker: Transforms the South Bronx
One Set of Footprints
Logical Proof, that there's only One G-...
G-d is found on Earth - not in the Heavens
Who is Your G-d?
Why Did G-d Create Us?

Seeing G-d in the Future
How Do I Know that G-d Exists?
Why Don't Miracles Happen Today?
Why Doesn't Judaism Proselytize?

My Wish for G-d
The Greatness of a Spiritual Gift
A Whole Broken Heart
A Number of Deep Thoughts

A G-dly Marriage
The Spider’s Web (The Yetzer Horah)
The Inside of a Cup
Abraham Then and Now

The Sounds of Silence

Friday, June 12, 2009

Moshiach is Revealed then Hidden

Rabbeinu Bachya, Shemos 4:9

In our future redemption, with the revelation of the final redeemer...the redeemer will be revealed, and he will again be concealed...

So we find with the redemption from Egypt: that Moshe was revealed, and he was again concealed.

And so says the Midrash: 'my beloved is like a deer', just as a deer is seen and then is concealed (hides), so too the future redeemer [Moshiach], will be revealed, and concealed...

"Moshiach Will be Revealed in America."

"Moshiach will be revealed in America."

Divrei Chaim (R' Chaim Halberstam, the Sanzer Rebbe 1793-1876), Artzos Hachayim letter 6

No War of Gog and Magog

Shem MiShmuel, Parshas Vayigash 5677, p. 298

Now that the exile was so long, we have been absolved of the war of Gog and Magog.

After the ingathering of the exiles, Yisrael will sit in peace on their land, forever.

Why the World is Changing

Sicha of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Toldos 5750 (1990)

The effects of our service in refining the world, and preparing it for the Messianic redemption, is openly visible throughout the world.

There are those who protest against the suggestion, that we are nearing the close of the exile, and approaching the coming of Moshiach. They maintain, that the world is proceeding according to the natural order, without disruption.

Such a perspective represents a lack of sensitivity and awareness, to the upheaval that is taking place throughout the world.
Political regimes are falling, and power is changing hands in a drastic, almost inconceivable manner.

Furthermore, this is being done without war or bloodshed, without even disturbing the commercial activities of the world.
First and foremost, we see a change in Russia, the country in which the Previous Rebbe and his students had their roots.

After more than seventy years of rule by a powerful regime which cast fear into the heart of every citizen of the country, there has been radical change.

In a very short time, sweeping reforms have been put into effect by the leaders of the country and they have spread to the other countries who follow their ideological thrust.

Similarly other countries -- including China, India, and Japan, countries whose combined populations number in the billions -- are in the midst of radical political change.

The most miraculous aspect of this process of transition, is that it is being carried out peacefully, without bloodshed, something that has never before happened in the history of man.

In previous generations, whenever there was a revolution, destruction and bloodshed came in its wake. Indeed, we do not have to look past the second world war, to see the devastation that can accompany political change.

In contrast, today the change is coming in a more complete fashion and yet, in a peaceful manner.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What is an Angel?

An angel is a spiritual being, and does not have any physical characteristics. The angelic descriptions provided by the prophets – such as wings, arms etc. – are anthropomorphic, referring to their spiritual abilities and tasks.

The Hebrew word for angel is "Malach," which means messenger; for the angels are G‑d's messengers to perform various missions.
Some angels are created for one specific task, and upon the task's completion, cease to exist.

According to the Zohar, one of the angels' tasks, is to transport our words of prayer and Torah-study, before G‑d's throne.

Another type of angels are those, that are created through the deeds of man.

In our daily prayers, we refer to the "songs of praise", which the angels sing before G‑d.

The angels have shifts, singing at designated times of day or night. The type of praise they sing, reflects the particular angel's spiritual status.

The angels' singing is alluded to in the story of Jacob's fight with the angel, at the end of which the angel pleaded with Jacob to free him "for the dawn has risen."
According to the Midrash, the angel's rush was because, his shift to sing before G‑d, had arrived.
Seeing an angel, requires extra-sensory perception, as the bodies of the angels are not comprised, of all the basic elements of a physical being.

Angels vs. Humans

Notwithstanding the great spiritual level of the angels, the holiness of the Jewish soul, supersedes that of the angel.

Only the Jewish soul has the ability, to descend to this physical and corporeal world, and refine and elevate it.

For the human's divine soul, is a "veritable piece of G‑d Above," a "piece" of the Creator; as opposed to the angels, which are only creations—albeit very holy ones.

This reflects itself in that fact that, angels are one-dimensional: each angels has one specific form of Divine service. The human soul, on the other hand, serves G‑d in many different ways, expressing itself through love, awe, etc.

In the Tanya, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi writes,
that he heard from his masters, that "if one angel were to stand in the presence of a gathering of ten Jews, even if there were no words of Torah [being discussed] between them; such a boundless and infinite terror and dread would then befall him, (on account of the Divine Presence that abides over them), that he would become utterly nullified!"

Furthermore, angels have no free-choice, and are pre-programmed to serve G‑d; whereas the human is entrusted with the mission of serving G‑d—but is given the freedom to choose, to do otherwise.

Chassidus and Kabbalah

Chassidus, is the study of G-d.

Whereas the Kabbalah, is referred to as "the secrets;" Chassidus is referred to as "the secrets, of the secrets."

Hence, Chassidus lies at the core, and inner essence, of everything.

The Rebbe: Moshiach will Teach Through Vision

...[T]he subject matters of the future Torah study taught by Moshiach, will be the esoteric teachings of Torah. But there will be another distinction.

The intellectual pursuit of the esoteric knowledge, will not follow the current temporal pattern, of a teacher imparting knowledge and comprehension; instead it will take the form of visualization:

We will comprehend, with the visualizing light of the supernal wisdom, to the degree, that we will all perceive with the vision, the innermost wisdom; and also, the heretofore utterly sequestered, secrets.

The Rebbe: Moshiach is Ready to be Revealed

A talk from Kislev (December) 1992:

The unique relevance in the present time, is that the Jewish people have completed the mission with which G-d has charged us.

Everything necessary to bring about the Redemption, has already been accomplished.
Our readiness for the Redemption is also reflected, in the world at large. The values of freedom, tolerance, and generosity ,have spread throughout the community of nations.

Regimes that have opposed them, have toppled, giving way for greater communication and sharing.
In previous generations, Moshiach's coming was prevented by the fact, that the Jews had not completed the tasks expected of them. At present, however, those tasks have been accomplished; there is nothing lacking. All we have to do is accept Moshiach.

This is the challenge facing our generation: To make the world conscious of Moshiach; and to create an environment, that will allow his mission to be fulfilled.

Every element of our study of the Torah and our observance of its Mitzvos, should be permeated by this objective, and directed towards it.
We can gain awareness of Moshiach, through the study of pnimiyus HaTorah, the Torah's mystical dimensions; and in particular, through the study of the subjects of redemption and Moshiach.

This process will open the eyes of our mind, so that as we live our lives day by day, and we will remain constantly attuned, to the Redemption.

Furthermore, the increase in our awareness of the nature of the Redemption, will itself serve as a catalyst, which will hasten the coming of the day of the Redemption.

May this be realized, in the immediate future.

The Greatest Test of Faith in History.

Rabbi DovBer - The Maggid of Mezeritch:

Just prior to the coming of Moshiach, the Jewish people will face, the greatest test of faith in history.

Those who will persist with their faith in G-d and His prophets, despite it all, will merit to bring the complete and ultimate redemption.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Rebbe: 1992 The Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Isaiah

Isaiah 2: 2-4:
And it shall be at the end of days, that the mountain of the House of Hashem (The Temple) will be firmly established, at the head of all the mountains; and will be exalted above all other hills, and all the nations shall flow to it.

And many nations shall go [to consult with each other], and they will say one to another, “Let us go up to the mountain of Hashem, to the house of the G-d of Yakov .And [Melech HaMoshiach] will teach us of G-d’s ways, and we will follow His paths.”

For out of Tziyon shall go forth Torah, and the word of Hashem from Yerushlayim.

And [Melech HaMoshiach] will judge between the nations, and admonish many peoples.

(Written on the "Isaiah Wall" at the UN:) And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not raise up swordn against nation; nor shall they learn war any more.
It’s happening now
On Parshas Mishpatim, 5752 (1992), a highly publicized conference took place at the United Nations in New York City, between leaders of the world’s major nations.

Among the participants were President Bush (the father), Yeltsin, and leaders of other major military powers.

At the conference, a joint resolution and declaration was made, to begin a global reduction of armaments; and to use the military resources and technology, to further the improvement of the world’s economic conditions, and to increase food production, and to benefit humanity in general.

At the time, the conference and its resolution did not attract much attention from most of us, but the Rebbe, who sees what others do not, spoke about this event at length, at the Shabbat farbrengen that took place the very next day.

He explained, that this declaration of intent by the world leaders to reduce their military operations, and increase food production throughout the world, was the beginning of the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy, said thousands of years earlier.
Isaiah foretold, that in the Era of Moshiach, the nations of the world would “beat their swords into plowshares.”

The Rebbe emphasized, that this decision made by the world’s superpowers, was a direct result of Moshiach’s affect on the nations of the world.
A Global Phenomenon

2003- In the eleven years since this declaration, “Swords Into Plowshares” has become a global phenomenon. There is even an international organization called the “Bonn International Center for Conversion” (BICC) –
an independent, non-profit organization, that documents the process of the conversion of military resources to peaceful uses.

The Swords Into Plowshares transformation, has become so prevalent worldwide, that a group of physicists from the China Academy of Engineering Physics, were prompted to write:
“The peaceful use of military technology, represents the trend of history.”

In our own words: “This is the Era of Moshiach!

Laws of Who is Moshiach - Rambam

Text of Maimonides' Laws of Kings (Moshiach) (Edited)
Vol. 14 (the last volume of the Mishnah Torah)- Chapters 11 and 12 (the last chapters of the volume).

Chapter 11
Whoever does not believe in him, or does not await his coming, denies not only [the statements of] the other proph­ets, but also [those of] the Torah and of Moshe, our teacher.

For the Torah attests to his coming, stating (Deuteronomy 30:3-5.).

3. One should not entertain the notion, that the King Moshiach must work miracles and wonders, bring about new phenomena within the world, resurrect the dead, or perform other similar deeds. This is [definitely] not true.

4. If a king will arise from the House of David, who, like David his ancestor, delves deeply into the study of the Torah, and engages in the Mitzvahs as prescribed by the Written Law and the Oral Law; if he will compel all of Israel to walk in [the way of the Torah], and repair the breaches [in its observance]; and if he will fight the wars of G‑d;
we may, with assurance, consider him Moshiach.

If he succeeds in the above, defeats all the nations around him, builds the [Beis Ha]Mikdash on its site, and gathers in the dispersed remnant of Israel; he is definitely the Moshiach.

He will perfect the entire world, [motivating all the na­tions] to serve G‑d together, as it is written (Zephaniah 3:9), "For I shall then make the peoples pure of speech, so that they will all call upon the Name of G‑d, and serve Him with one purpose."

Chapter 12

1. One should not entertain the notion, that in the Era of Moshiach, any element of the natural order will be nullified; or that there will be any innovation in the work of creation. Rather, the world will continue according to its pattern.

2. Our Sages taught (Talmud, Berachos 34b): "There will be no difference between the current age and the Era of Moshiach except, [our emanci­pation from] subjugation to the [gentile] kingdoms."

He will not come [in order] to declare the pure, impure, nor to declare the impure, pure; nor [will he come in order] to disqualify the lineage of those presumed to be of flawless descent, nor to validate lineage which is presumed to be blem­ished.

Rather, [he will come in order] to establish peace in the world; as [the above prophecy] continues (Malachi 3:24), "He will bring back the hearts of the fathers, to the children."

Some of the Sages say, that Eliyahu will appear [immediately] before the coming of Moshiach.

In any case, neither the sequence of these events, nor their precise details, are among the fundamental principles of the faith.

3. During the Era of the King Moshiach, once his kingdom has been established, and all of Israel has gathered around him, the entire [nation's] line of descent will be established on the basis of his words, through the prophetic spirit which will rest upon him.
As it is written (Malachi 3:3), "He shall sit, as a refiner and purifier."

4. The Sages and prophets did not yearn for the Messianic Era, in order that [the Jewish people] rule over the entire world, nor in order that they have dominion over the gentiles, nor that they be exalted by them, nor in order that they eat, drink and celebrate.

Rather, their aspiration was, that [the Jewish people] be free [to involve themselves] in the Torah and its wisdom, without anyone to oppress or disturb them.
And thus be found worthy of life in the World to Come, as we explained in Laws of Repentance (9:2).

5. In that Era, there will be neither famine nor war, neither envy nor competition; for good things will flow in abundance, and all the delicacies will be as freely available, as dust.

The occupation of the entire world, will be solely to know G‑d. The Jews will therefore be great sages, and know the hidden mat­ters. And will attain an understanding of their Creator, to the [full] extent of mortal potential;

As it is written (Isaiah 11:9), "For the world will be filled with the knowledge of G‑d, as the waters cover the ocean bed."

Keep Smiling!

A painting looks much better, when a beautiful frame is put around it. So too now, in the current crises around the world- financial, weather, social, etc., the frame we need to put around it, is to put everything in the context, of preparing the world for Moshiach’s arrival.

This not only makes the world look better, (because we realize that all that is happening is not destructive, but rather it is a restructuring, to expand the limits of the world); but also it sets limits, as to how far the world will disintegrate.

Just as when a baby is being born, a passerby might hear a women screaming at the top of her lungs, and think the worst is happening; as opposed to the father, who is smiling the whole time- so too now,

Keep Smiling!

The Test of Great Temptations in Our Time

The struggle between now and the coming of Moshiach will be spiritual, where each one of us will have to fight, to hold on to our faith amongst a sea of atheism and agnosticism.
Rebbe Nachman of Breslev foresaw this spiritual struggle 200 years ago; his disciple, Rebbe Nathan of Breslev, wrote (Sichos HaRan, 35):

Rebbe Nachman said, "A great wave of atheism is coming to the world:
It has already been predicted, that there will be great temptations before Moshiach’s coming, many will purify themselves and be refined, and make themselves shining white" in faith.

Fortunate indeed, is one who resists these temptations, and remains firm in his belief. He will be worthy of all the good promised to us, by the prophets and sages of old.
Knowing full well that this has already been predicted, it would seem ridiculous for one to succumb to any temptation and to abandon his beliefs. It would seem obvious, that every Jew would have enough intelligence, to remain firm. But still it is a great trial.

Many will fall away, and for this reason it is written that, "the wicked will be evil."

The Rebbe said, "Still, I am revealing this for the sake of the few faithful, who will remain strong in their belief. They will certainly have great conflicts. But when they see, that this has already been predicted, it will give them additional strength and encouragement."

Prophecy about Israel

Rabbi Moshe Cordevero (Ramak) on Zohar Bereishis, 199. Written approximately 500 years ago.

The nations are one day going to come together, and start talking peace amongst themselves. This talk of peace will have one underlying goal: to destroy Israel. And their rationale shall be: because they [the Jews] established for themselves, their own government.

And though the Jews will be in tremendous danger at that time, nevertheless, they will not be destroyed; in fact, from that very situation, they will be saved.

Prophecy in our Time

About Prophecy

The Torah explains, that every positive prophecy must and will be fulfilled in literal actuality. A negative prophecy, however, can take place in other ways. Under certain circumstances a negative prophecy can be fulfilled on a spiritual level, and need never take place on the actual physical plane.

A positive prophecy is G-d's vision for humanity. It speaks of our destiny, the goal and purpose for which we are here. Therefore it must and will come to be.

A negative prophecy, on the other hand, is a warning, a message designed to help us to shift our direction, see a larger truth, to grow and change.

The words of the prophets, whether words of encouragement or words of warning, are designed to help us create the shifts in our consciousness and behavior that are made necessary - and possible - by the spiritual potential of the times.

Today, as global events move forward, it is easy to see, that we live in an era of which the prophets speak. We therefore have an unprecedented opportunity to take their words to heart, allow ourselves to see reality in a broader and deeper way, and become partners in the fulfillment of our own destiny.

Prophecies of our Times

"In the future, seventy princes from all over the world will unite with the masses, to attack Jerusalem, and plot against G-d. They will plan to battle Him, then fight over His people and Temple. However, 'He who sits in Heaven laughs, the Lord will mock them'(Psalms 2:4). In His glory, G-d will wipe them from the face of the earth." Zohar Bashallach, 58b
He [Ishmael] will be a wild man. His hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will be against him. Genesis 16:12.

Why is he called Ishmael? Because in the future G-d will listen to the cry of the [Jewish] nation, for what the children of Ishmael will do in the future, at the end of days… as it says (Psalms 55:20) ‘G-d will listen, and answer’.
Midrash Pirkei d’Rabbi Eliezer ch. 32. Yalkut Mechiri Psalms 177
The King of Persia, will bring destruction to the entire world, and all the nations will be outraged and confused… and Jews will be outraged and confused, and they will say: where shall we come and go, where shall we come and go?

G-d will answer them: My children, do not be afraid. Everything I have done, I have done for you. Why are you afraid, do not fear, the time of your Redemption has arrived. Midrash, Yalkut, Isaiah remez 499
Three chaotic wars will be perpetrated by the children of Ishmael at the end of days: one at sea… one on land… and one in a large city, which will be harder than the previous two.

And from there Ben Dovid [Moshiach – the Messiah] will sprout. And we will witness their destruction. And from there we will go to Eretz Yisroel {the Land of Israel]. Midrash, Yalkut, Isaiah, remez 506
"Jews have been in four exiles; at the very end of time, there will be a fifth and last exile, which is called the Exile of Ishmael (lit., 'G-d will hear'); which will be the most terrible and difficult of all.

And because of the many afflictions the Jews will suffer, they will cry to G-d, and He will hear their prayers. (Yishma – keil / G-d will hear).
"Etz Daas Tov, by Rabbi Chaim Vital