Monday, May 4, 2009

A Number of Deep Thoughts

The governments of the world steer the ship; but a Jews actions, charts the course.

Those who do not have eternal values, are easily mislead, by temporary ones.

Life and money, can enslave, or empower.

"We're not trying to get to heaven, we're trying to reveal heaven on earth."
The true purpose of all technology and modern science, is neither, convenience nor power; but rather, a means to discover G-dliness, within the physical world.

The Rebbe stresses, that science presents no challenge to Torah; and that true science can only enhance Torah, by demonstrating Torah truths, in the empirical realm.
There are two kinds of people in the world:
1. Those who experience, and draw conclusions from the experiences.
2. Those who draw conclusions, and then only experience that which supports those conclusions.

G-d gave the Torah in the wilderness, prior to the arrival of the Jews in their own land, to emphasize the Torah’s superiority, to land.

The nations of the world who refused to accept the Torah, became extinct with the loss of their lands. The Jews, however, exist forever, even without a land, as long as they keep the Torah.
Words can bring comfort to the mind; but the heart is comforted by simple togetherness; knowing, that you are not alone.
It is clear, that political freedom, minus spiritual purpose, equals disillusionment.
When G-d created all things, He created two versions to choose from:

He created, the earth -- an absurd world, where light cannot enter.

And He created a heaven and earth, of "Let there be light." A world of wonder, a place for the Infinite to dwell.

You choose, which one you wish to live.
The Chassidic masters say: there is nothing that the human being wants more, than to play G-d.
When we awaken the inner drive to find G-d, in our inward essence, seeking Teshuvah in everything we do; we move beyond an imperfect past.

Then our every act becomes a G-d seeking act, that utilizes the entire creation, to ascend the ladder of infinity, in out quest for G-dliness.

The present then elevates the past, because the past is a part of the present. Before, only the limited aspect of the act was revealed, but now the deeper, infinite part of it has been released from it tresses.

And as a result, it liberates a pent up energy, that propels us beyond our former limited being, sweeping up the past in its wake.

Adam's sin derived, from his refusal to reconcile himself with the notion, that there are certain things from which he must distance himself.

He desired to intimately know every corner of G-d's world, to become involved with every one of G-d's creations. Even evil, that which G-d had declared out of bounds to him.
But when a person transgresses a Divine command, a deeper bond with G-d comes to light. His inner equilibrium is disturbed; his soul finds no peace, and is driven to compensate for its devastated identity with material excesses, or profane spiritual quests.

His transgressions highlight the fact, that there is nothing more unnatural, than a soul estranged from her G-d.

Ultimately, however, there is a quintessential bond between the soul and G-d, that is immutable. On the deepest level of our being, there can be no disconnection, natural or unnatural.

The foundation and objective of all connection with G-d, is the quintessential bond, which requires no deed to effect it ,and which no deed can affect.
The present then elevates the past, because the past is a part of the present. Before, only the limited aspect of the act was revealed, but now, the deeper, infinite part of it, has been released from it tresses.

And as a result, it liberates a pent up energy, that propels us beyond our former limited being, sweeping up the past in its wake.
Life is like a spiral, which repeats the same path with each revolution, but on an increasingly higher plane.
Life is controlled by time. If utilized properly, time lingers; otherwise, time evaporates into thin air.

Jewish law teaches, that the only thing one cannot repay back to a friend, is "stolen" time.
It looks like war. If we had enough faith, we could achieve, that all the people of the world, would be redeemed from their evil dictators without war, without terror and without fear.

That is the power of joy and faith and confidence. So let's lift each other up, with whatever we can muster. At the very least, let's not frighten one another.
Each one of us is a microcosm of all Creation.

The achievement of harmony, between one's soul and material life; achieves harmony, between the heaven and earth.

Everyone thinks, of changing the world; but no one thinks, of changing himself.
"Science teaches you, how the heavens move; the Torah teaches you, how to move the heavens."