Friday, May 22, 2009

Are 4 Billion People Going to Die?

According to some people, based on Nigleh (the revealed part of Torah, Chumash, Gem., etc ), they make the statement to large crowds, that before Moshiach comes, 2/3 of the world will be destroyed.

Based on this, it is an easy extrapolation in our generation to assume, that this probably means, a large nuclear war, that will kill 4 billion people.
But the Lubavitcher Rebbe has a Seicha (talk), explaining what this means.

Based on Likutei Sichos, Balak 2- Vol, 23, Pg 172-181, (1983):

Two short answers are:

In the future it will become evident (as the Rambam explains in the beginning of the Mishnah Torah), that there is no existence apart from G-d. The nations will then realize, that they have no true existence. It will be as if their previous existence, which was separate from G-d, died.

Their new existence will be so completely different from their former one, that it will be as though they are totally different people.
In another Seicha, the Rebbe explains another point:
Since many nations have an inherit nature of cruelty, in the future this nature will be transformed into kindness.

This will be similar to the transformation of cruel animals, like the lion and the wolf, that will lie in peace with the lamb.

Not that they will hold themselves back, from eating the lamb, rather their nature will be transformed, and they will no longer be cruel. Instead, they will eat straw, grass, etc.

Since this nature is so basic to their being, it will be as though they were killed; since their new nature will be completely different, from their old nature.
The Seicha more at lenght:

At the end of Parsahs Balak, chapter 24, verse17, in the last prophecy of Bilam in the Parsha, it is written: that many people will die before Moshiach comes.

In Zecharia 13, 8, it states that ; 2/3 of the world will be destroyed.

In Tehillim 117, 7, and also brought in Midrash, it states: 1/3 of the people of the world will die.

And other sources in Torah, say similar things
But the Rebbe goes on to explain:
This matter is also a matter of Halachah (Jewish law):

The Rambam, in his Halachic work the Mishnah Torah; in the last chapters of his fourteenth volume, entilted “Kings and their Battles”; contains the laws regarding Moshiach.

(His is the only work, which contains these laws).

In the next to the last section chapter 11, he Poskins (rules) that: one of the acts of Moshiach will be, to correct the world, in order that all peoples should serve Hashem in unity…

(So we see, that Moshiach’s job, is not to come and destroy the world, rather to help the world, and transform it into a better place.)
In the next chapter (12) the Rambam quotes the Prophet Yesyahu 11, 6: the wolf will lie with the lamb… and he explains, that the Jews (the Jews are compared to one sheep amongst 70 wolves), will live securely, amongst the nations of the world.

(Meaning, that the nations will not be killed).

.. And the Jews are obligated to have faith and surety, that Moshiach will bring that Geula (redemption), to the entire world, (not just to Jews).
And more than this, these laws are not just for the future, but also apply now. Relating to the law, that Jews have an ongoing obligation, to teach the nations about their Torah obligation, of following the “Seven Mitzvahs of Bnei Noach”.

(This law was not applicable in previous generations, when Jews were living under oppressive regimes.)
This is a preparation, to the coming and activities, of Moshiach himself.
As these laws of the nations in the Mishnah Torah, precede the laws of Moshiach’s revelation.
(Implying, that this will precede the revelation of Moshiach, in the world at large)

(Again showing, that the nations will not be killed. Why would we be obligated to teach them the ways of G-d, if in any case G-d would destroy them?)
Also the Halachah is, that all people that become “Chassidei Olam” (people that follow the "Seven Mitzvahs"), have a place in the world to come.

(So how could it be possible, that they will be killed?)
In previous times, when there was destruction of Jews and nations; (exp. Noah’s flood, that destroyed the entire world, and all the wars and natural disasters that killed millions of people); they were all in the time of Galus (exile), which is a time of darkness (when G-d’s mercy is not visible).

Which will not be the case, in the near future. When the merciful G-d, will be openly revealed.

(So again, how can there be the destruction of the word.)
One of the Prophesies of the future is in Tzfanya 3,9: (synopsis) in the future there will be a transformation of the nations, who will then serve G-d together in unity (and peace).

(So there is no reason to destroy the world, since it will be transformed for the good.)
The nations then, as is known, will also assist the Jews in their service to G-d, which in turn, will bring more blessing to the world.

(So we see, that all the nations and all Jews, are needed in the future, and are a part of the Geula.)
But we still have the Prophesies that say the opposite. So how can we understand these seemingly opposite prophesies?

It is understood, that when the Geula arrives there will be no place for Tuma (impurity) or evil in the world. So too relating to human beings, evil people will not exist.

After, (as is explained in many places) the evil ones will receive their punishment, (punishment in Torah is needed, to cleanse one of impurity, so that one can rise to a higher level), then the whole world will be corrected to serve one G-d.
Since (as the Rambam brings, at the very end of his book of laws) the entire world’s occupation then, will be to know G-d, and rise in levels of serving G-d.

Wars, famine, stealing etc, would hinder that occupation. So the entire world has to be in sync (peace), in order for everyone to be able to focus on G-d.

Every detail in G-d’s creation, was created for a purpose, including rocks, plants, and animals. Their creation, was not in order to be destroyed in the future, rather G-d created everything to be purified, elevated and redeemed (brought close to G-d).
When the Jews got the Torah at Mount Sinai, the laws for the nations, the "Seven Mitzvahs" (seven commandments of G-d), took on the extra power of Halacha, G-d’s will. The nations then merited to receive, their own reward for their deeds.

Which means that, their existence became essential, in carrying out G-d’s will for the creation; being to become elevated, and eventually be able to receive His great revelation, at the time of the Geula.
The first Rebbe of Lubavitch (The Alter Rebbe 1745-1812), writes in Tanya (the basic text of Chabad Chassidim), at the end of Chapter 36:

That the tremendous light of G-d that will emanate in the future, will not only shine on the Jews, but rather the whole creation will shine. (Since G-d created everything for an ultimate purpose, to become elevated.)

G-d's goal was that, all physicality would become purified.
G-d wants the world to utilize their free-choice, to willingly accept His kingship. In this manner, the world then internalizes G-d; by intellectually and emotionally understanding and feeling, that G-d is the Creator.

This is what it means, that the whole world becomes purified over time: that they themselves come to realize, that G-d runs the world.

This then makes the Geula BeShlemus, complete. Permeating all aspects of the creation. If even one aspect of the creation, does not acknowledge that G-d is its Creator, then the entire creation is lacking completion.
Now we will be able to understand according to Chassidus, what the Torah is saying when it says that, 2/3 of the world will be destroyed.

In the future it will become evident (as the Rambam explains in the beginning of the Mishnah Torah), that there is no existence apart from G-d.

The nations will then realize, that they have no true existence. It will be as if their previous existence, which was separate from G-d, died.

Their new existence will be so completely different from their former one, that it will be as though they are totally different people.
In another Seicha the Rebbe explains, another point:

Since many nations have an inherit nature of cruelty, in the future this nature will be transformed into kindness.

This will be similar to the transformation of cruel animals, like the lion and the wolf, that will lie in peace with the lamb.

Not that they will hold themselves back, from eating the lamb, rather their nature will be transformed, and they will no longer be cruel. Instead, they will eat straw, grass, etc.

Since this nature is so basic to their being, it will be as though they were killed; since their new nature will be completely different, from their old nature.

May the Geula come now!